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My learning diary for the MOOC „Beyond Networking: School-to-School Mentoring for Digital Innovation“

The course started on 17th October 2022.

It has four modules:

Module 1: School-To-School Collaboration: Why and How?

The learning objectives for this module are:

  • To improve and deepen understanding of the importance of mentoring for school peer-to-peer learning
  • To have a clearer idea of how collaboration and networking among schools can be developed with the aim to bring about innovation in education
  • To better understand the concept of the school as learning organisation 
  • To discuss and exchange ideas with peers on how Mentor schools can support collaboration and school transformation within groups of Mentee schools.

Module 2: Models of Whole-School Mentoring

Module 3: Designing Effective Mentoring Activities

Module 4: Making Whole-School Mentoring Work

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